[Tlhingan-hol] Colors used in writing Klingon

Michael Roney, Jr. PKT nahqun at gmail.com
Sat Jul 14 22:47:53 PDT 2012

Just found the message that sparked this train of thought.

>although in old English, if a letter to a person was written in green it was deemed to be an insulting letter, and red a demanding >letter.

True or not, after reading the message, I instantly accepted pIqaD
written in red, and the thought of pIqaD written in green struck me as

Which is interesting as I can accept English written in various shades
without a problem.
Perhaps it is because I've spent decades reading English in several
colors, and have spent a decade reading Klingon in just a few colors.

I just opened up a word processor and typed the phrase
{qajunpaQHeylIjmo' batlh DuSuvqang charghwI' 'It} in pIqaD in black,
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

(I find it interesting as well that I had originally left purple out
of the equation as I had been thinking in terms of Doq and SuD.)

I may have ruined the experiment by looking at them all at once, in a rainbow.
But, as presented, I was more willing to accept the additional colors.
However, green still felt off.

Purple was my second least favorite choice.

Blue was accepted more readily than I had thought; which may be
because it's a common ink color in pens along with black.

Black, red, and yellow were still the preferred shades, while orange
was rather neutral.

~'anan naHQun

~Michael Roney, Jr.
Professional Klingon Translator
webOS Developer


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