[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh cha'maH Hut: <no' chavmey>

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Mon Jan 16 09:12:59 PST 2012

I looked at this on my iPhone this morning and see that it has mangled characters. Sorry, I must remember to run "remove formatting" when I take it out of the word processor, even when it looks fine in my outgoing mailbox,

Sent from a mobile device through a temporary connection. 

On 2012-01-16, at 6:21, Qov <robyn at flyingstart.ca> wrote:

> This episode includes jokes that very sensitive people might consider vulgar, but if your eleven year old can read Klingon, I think you can trust him with this. Also it may be offensive to people educated in the state of Kansas. 
> ---
> Hota'ro' was badmouthing General qImyal and imploring vajar not to trust her. 
> ---
> 129
> jatlh vajar, �butlh Daghaj. qeSlIj vIqel.� 
> leS Hota'ro'. vay' jatlh 'ach Qoybe'. SuDta' Hota'ro'. Hota'ro' pIH vajar neH qImyal Sa' 'ej qImyal pIH vajar neH Hota'ro'. nuq luchav? qepDaq peghmey 'angbe'pu' Sa'. SoghvaD Sa' qep naQ Del vajar. Hota'ro' lubopbogh mu'mey'e' neH nop. 'IjtaH Hota'ro'. Saghqu'. rut yajmeH qagh. Sa' mu'mey pup[95] Sov neH 'ach ja'laHbe' vajar. jatlh Hota'ro', �vaj Dujatlh Sa''e', ta'meylIj Dunmo' Duj choqqang Sa', 'ach nIja' jonwI'pu''e', Submo' Duj lutI'qangbej, 'ej ponnIS pagh, qar'a'?� 
> �bIlugh,� jatlh vajar. �quvmo' Dujmaj choqqang 'ach 'utbe'.� chIch nepbej'a' qImyal? pagh Qaghpu' neH? woQ Quj muS vajar, 'ej QoymeH buSnISchu'mo' QublaHchu'be'. jatlh �DupIH Sa'. Qaghpu'. qep vebmajDaq vIjatlh.�
> �Qo'!� jatlh Hota'ro'. �pagh DapIHbogh yI'ang. yI'Ij 'ej HarwI' yIDa.� 
> jolpa' lughoS. *Dugh* beq jolchoHpa' *veS*, 'aH luwIvta'bogh jol. �wIwojnIS,� jatlhpu'. lunuDba'lI'. 
> meH ghoSqa' vajar. QonoS De'wI' chu'. yaS wa'DIch Hegh 'oH wanI' Qav'e' qonlu'bogh. <yaS wa'DIchvaD Hota'ro' Sogh vISugh> ghItlh ghIq *Dugh* beq toDta' *veS* 'e' Del. [104] mub. cha'maH rep ret neH lutoDlu'. QI' qawHaq rar net chaw'be'. De'wI' chu'Ha'. 
> jolpa' 'elqa', tuq lut Qatlh ja'lI' ghutar. tuq Hutlhmo' vajar loQ tuH. motlh tuqmey qeltaHvIS latlhpu' nuS pagh jun. 'ach ghutarvaD lI'law' De'. jatlh �Doj tuqmey SovlIj. chay' Daghoj?�
> jatlh ghutar �choquvmoH, HoD. yo' qIjDaq Hoch no'wI' vIghovlaH 'e' qap vavwI'. tIQmo' vavwI' tuq, ta'meychaj vISovchoHmeH HochHom tlhIngan tuqmey qun vIHaDnISpu'.� 
> tuqmo' mIytaH vay' 'e' par vajar. jatlh, �qeylIS puqnI' ghaH'a' tuqnIghlI' wa'DIch'e'?� 
> Hagh ghutar. �Hoch ram Hut be'pu' yatlhmoHpu'chugh qeylIS, Hoch puqnI'pu'qoqDaj QIjbe'.�
> jatlh Hota'ro', �qeylIS ghojmoq ghaH ghutar tuqnIgh wa'DIch'e'. ghaHvo' nIm tlhutlhpu' qeylIS.� 
> Haghbe'laHbe' ghutar. jatlh lagh, �nep ghaH. ghotI' bIH tuqwIj cherwI'pu''e'. pongmeychaj vISovbe', 'ach quvqu' bIH. QallaHchu'.�[101]
> Hagh vajar. jatlh �QallaHchu' no'wI'--no'wIj!--je. chaq yurwI' SoH.� *veS* jonpa' lupaw, HaghtaHvIS Hoch. 
> ----
> SKI: While waiting for a beam up, the crew jokes about family lineage.
> ---
> [95] This makes perfect sense to me. I'm not sure if it's due to my fevered imagination or because it makes sense. What, from this, do you think Hota'ro' wants to know? 
> [101] If canon dictates non-aquatic evolutionary ancestors for Klingons please tell me and I'll be happy to change this part. 
> [104] We just went through a records audit at work. Apparently the importance of keeping proper records is embedded in my subconscious to the extent that even Klingons do it. 
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