[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Bird-of-Prey Haynes Manual

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Thu Dec 6 11:20:30 PST 2012

At 08:44 '?????' 12/6/2012, De'vID wrote:

>We could've gotten proper words for "manifold (engineering device)" and
>"mine (explosive weapon)", as well as various materials used in ship
>construction.  As it is, I'm left wondering if *{DuD} was a mistake
>(since *{tlhHl} obviously is) and {yoD} is misused (because its use
>contradicts its meaning as explained in previous canon).  We have one
>possibly genuine {mu' chu'}, but it is in doubt because the rest of
>the "Klingon" words in the body text are non-Okrandian, so I don't
>know if that one was supplied by Okrand or just happened to
>coincidentally match Okrandian Klingon phonology.

If I had to describe a manifold in Klingon I would likely call it a 
chevwI', DuDwI' or boSwI', depending in its function. A fuel 
injection manifold isn't really a DuDwI', but an exhaust manifold 
could easily be considered one, so if this is an error, it's on the 
same lines as QaD -- a verb used where a noun should be. Not all 
languages have such unique specialized vocabulary for engine parts. 
For example what is a crankshaft in English is merely a tree in 
Italian. And maybe Klingons think it's stupid that we just call the 
heavy body of an internal combustion engine the "block."

- Qov

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