[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: ret

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Sat Dec 1 19:06:31 PST 2012

> netlh DIS law' ret tIQbe' yuQvam'e' tIQ

This sentence is mostly good; you just need to move the -'e' to the end of tIQ (when you add a type-5 noun suffix to a noun+"adjective" construct, it goes after the "adjective").

Also, I'd recommend moving the {law'} to between {netlh} and {DIS}, so it's "many tens of thousands of years", rather than "ten of thousands of many years".

> Sornganpu' HuDnganpu' lung'a'pu' loDHompu' je toq.

{toq} means "be inhabited", so this means something like "inhabited tree-dwellers, mountain-dwellers, dragons and boys."

I recommend instead switching to {[lu]tu'lu'} ("there is"/"there are"), or possibly the verb {Dab} ({luDab X Y Z je.}).

> This isn't a perfect word-for-word rendering, but points to the list
> member who recognizes the original quote and where it's from.

QemjIq DabwI'?

From: Gaerfindel [gaerfindel at hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2012 02:15
To: tlhingan-hol at stodi.digitalkingdom.org
Subject: Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: ret

On 12/1/2012 11:32 AM, De'vID wrote:
On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 6:36 AM, Gaerfindel <gaerfindel at hotmail.com<mailto:gaerfindel at hotmail.com>> wrote:
A correction: {netlh DIS law' ret tIQbe' yuQvam'e' tIQ, Sornganpu' HuDnganpu' lung'a'pu' loDHompu' je toq.}

jIyajbe'.  jatlhlaH'a' lung'a'pu'qoqvetlh?  'ej toq 'Iv?

In order:

{lung} means "lizard" (KGT 218) so a {lung'a'} would be a "great lizard."  {lung'a'pu'} implies they're capable of language, so...

I indicated that {yuQvam}, "this planet," was the topic by adding the suffix {-'e'}.  Ergo this planet (Earth) is/was inhabited by the creatures I listed.  Given that I stated the topic in the previous sentence, I didn't think I needed to restate it in the second.

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