[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh SochmaH jav: DaH cha'logh

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Sun Apr 29 10:44:31 PDT 2012

vajar has just refuted Mahoun's claim to have lost three years to 
relativistic effects by telling the story of a ship on which that occurred.

176: DaH cha'logh

morgh Mahoun. jatlh, "matay'pu'! paw 'anDorngan Duj 'ej nutoD! 
juppu'wI' chaH! lu'ollaH!"

jatlhbe' vajar. nov Sey bejtaH 'ej QubtaH. wejmaH wej ben Qo'noSDaq 
Mahoun HIjta' vajar. Qo'noSDaq loDvaD Mahoun nobta' vajar. Hegh 
Mahoun 'e' pIH ngaq Duj HoD. wejmaH ben Mahoun, 'anDorngan qama'pu' 
je tlhapta' 'anDorngan Duj. wej DISvetlh qawbe' Mahoun. *naQjaj yoH* 
tlheDDI' Mahoun tuQDoq leghlaw'. poH lIjmoHlaH tuQDoq. nap lut. 
ghaytan qaStaHvIS wej DIS bIghHa'Daq ghaH Mahoun'e' 'ej joy'wI' 
mIwmey le' qawbe'meH, tuQDoq lo'pu' vay'. QI' pegh 'oH'a'? tuQDoq 
qel. 'ach tuQDoq qaw Mahoun, tuQDoq 'oHbejchugh rotlhmoHwI'qoqDaj'e'.

"qaHar," jatlh vajar. bIghHa'HomDaq Mahoun qaw. jatlh "vIghro'mey 
bopbej'a' bomlIj mu'mey?"

"jISovbe'," jatlh Mahoun. "SoHvaD vIQulchoH. no' Hol HaDpu'mo' 
chIjwI'wI' vIghel, 'ach no' Hol 'oHbe' jatlh. loQ rur 'op mu'mey neH. 
vaj vImughlaHbe'. vIghro' bop 'e' vIHon. bom ngo' law' ghe'naQvetlh 
ngo' puS 'e' vIHar. mupIlmoH bom. ghe'naQDaq HeghlI' loD 'ej luQaH 
ngem Ha'DIbaHmey."

"choja'pu'," jatlh vajar. HIqDaj tlhutlh 'ej bebDaq SIStaH 'e' 'Ij. 
nuplI' wab. chuSqa' Mahoun QumwI'. jang Mahoun.[254] be' ghogh 
qImtaHvIS QamchoH. jabbI'ID yev 'ej jatlh "muDDaq law'mo' tatmey 
jolpat voqchu'be' beqwIj. SaHmo' tlhIngan law', qay'choHpa' mujol. 
vajar HoD, malja' wIHuqqa'jaj." QumwI'vaD jatlhqa' 'ej QIt Qol.

HIq lutlhutlh tlhInganpu'. wo', novpu', noHmey je luqeltaH. motlh 
Qochbe'. tlhaq laD vajar. ratlh wej repmey. 'eSSIm bejqu' vajar 'ej 
HughDajDaq wab nong lIngqa'. "DaH jIbwIj vISay'nISmoH," SIbI' jatlh 
'eSSIm. Do'Ha'. SIS 'e' lu'Ij.[192] wup 'eSSIm. bIQ Duj chIjtaHbogh 
SuvwI'pu' bop bom. Hoch mu'mey Sovbe' vajar 'ach boQmo' HIq, bomqu'. 
SISbe'choH ghIq SISqa'. qaStaHvIS tup puS tamtaH. QamchoH vajar. 
betleH tlhap 'ej mej.[193]

SISqu'. wamwI'pu' ghochchoH 'ach chatlh mojlI'mo' yav lam 
lughItlhpu'bogh laDmeH vajar yevqu'nIS. Dochaj law' law' ghochwI' Do 
law' puS. chegh vajar 'ej 'eSSIm Du' qach beb HeH bIngDaq wamwI'pu' loS.[196]
SKI: vajar has a theory about Mahoun's experience, and gets rebuffed 
again by 'eSSIm.
[192] I like how this would be the most awkward silence imaginable in 
my culture, but for the Klingons I think it's no different than if he 
had offered her a snack that didn't appeal to her.
[193] Okay, no one has talked for a while, and I have nothing more to 
say, guess we're done here. Every once in a while I start treating 
them too much like my own culture, and have to make sure I remind 
myself they aren't.
[196] That's a string of six nouns modifying one another. It was easy 
to write and makes instant sense to me, but I wrote it. vay' laDHa'moH'a'? 

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