[Tlhingan-hol] Dargh HIvje' teblu'bogh

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Thu Apr 26 11:03:07 PDT 2012

At 10:32 '?????' 4/26/2012, De'vID jonpIn wrote:
> >> {Zen}'e' yu'meH DuSaQ'a' ghojmoHwI' Such.
> > The object of yu' is the one who is expected to answer. If he has 
> a question about the concept of Zen or is questioning Zen as in 
> questioning his faith, perhaps {Zen yajmeH ghelmeH}.
>There's an implicit {ghaH} in there, standing in for {pIn'a'}.
>Changing to:
>{Zen}'e' ghaH yu'meH DuSaQ'a' ghojmoHwI', Such ghojmoHwI'.
>Better?  Is that a right use of {-'e'}?

You feel that the topicalizer suffix sets off Zen'e' in such a way 
that it won't be interpreted as the object of yu', but that it has a 
valid role in the sentence?  I'm not familiar with that technique and 
didn't understand it. I would definitely use the Zen master's name 
there (nInIn?), not ghaH, and be explicit about whatever it is Zen is 
doing there. The whole story is about the concept Zen, I think you 
can afford to give it a whole clause. {Zen yajchu'meH DuSaQ'a' 
ghojmoHwI', nInIn yu'meH Such}? {nInIn Zen paQDI'norgh QoymeH Such 
DuSaQ'a' ghojmoHwI'.}?  Read the sentences slowly imagining what 
object and subject the reader coul imagine for each verb if they have 
no information about the story and block the incorrect interpretations.

> > This might be a good opportunity to use {tu'lum}:
> > [...]
> > For "Meiji era, Meiji Period" we actually have {bov} "era", which 
> is used in the {paq'batlh}:
>Oh, both good suggestions.  {bov} qaq law' {poH} qaq puS. (Can I stick
>a {-bej} on the two {qaq}s here?  How do I say "A is definitely
>preferably to B"?)
>I want to preserve the parallel to the English (and Japanese) "a cup
>of tea", but OTOH {tu'lum} is a word that one doesn't get a lot of
>opportunity to use, and a meeting between a Zen master and a professor
>is presumably an upper-classy setting.  I'll have to think about that

Thumbs up on the tu'lum.  I'd put it in the ghojmoHwI''s dialogue. 
He's clearly a bit of a snob.  

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