[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: wa'vatlh javmaH Hut: cherghlaHbe'

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Sun Apr 22 08:46:00 PDT 2012

vajar has been watching ghutar in action as he unselfconsciously 
spreads the gospel of redemption-by-honour, while the crew wait to 
beam down to gharben loS.
169: cherghlaHbe'

jolpa' ghoSlI' wamwI' ghom veb. ghaH 'emDaq bep vay' 'e' QoylaH 
vajar. jatlh, "may' wIghoStaHvIS vaghvatlh negh QollaH qaStaHvIS cha' 
tup. qatlh leSpoH wIghoStaHvIS vagh tup poQ Hoch Saqghom?"

jang vay', "may' wIghoStaHvIS chaw'mey DIpoQbe'mo' jay'."

tagha' vajar ghom rIt bu' 'ej jolpa' lughoS. pa' Quvchaj 'ol Hung 
yaS. pongmeychaj mI'meychaj je qon. HoS nuHmey qengbe' 'e' 'ol. 
chutmey ja'qa'. vajarvaD QumwI' noj 'ej ja', "DaHjaj law'choHmo' muD 
tatmey QumwI' boghajbe'chugh chaq DIjollaHbe'. SuQolrupDI' perI', 
'ach peloSrup. chaq paS jolraj 'ach pepaSQo'! jav rep pIq may'DujDaq 
tlhIHqa'be'chugh DabIjlu'. Soch rep pIq may'DujDaq tlhIHqa'be'chugh 
... chaq wa' nem latlh Duj botIjlaH. loSbe' may'Duj! yaj'a'?"

"yaj!" jatlh Hoch 'ej ra'DI' yaS, jol rav lulIt. Qol. tuj muD. tuj 
lam je. chalDaq HuStaH tInqu'bogh 'engmey chong 'ach muD bIrmoHbe' 
QIbmeychaj. Quvvo' yIt 'ej Hatlh lulegh. yotlhmey, qachmey nap je 
legh. Du' Qu'mey'e' yajbe'bogh vajar ta'lI' yoqpu' chIS. tlhInganpu' 
lutu'lu'be'. chaq muj Quv.  tujmo', tlhay'meyDaj tuQHa'moH 
tlhInganpu'. Hota'ro' yebDu'Daq moHtaH 'oy'mey. pe'pu' mIrmey, 
'omDI'. DaH meqDaj yaj vajar.

bej 'e' tu' Hota'ro'. jatlh, "mang bIjlu'taHvIS moch, noD net 
tuchba'. vISovchu'. not chobIjtaHvIS jInoD."

jatlh vajar, "jISov. reH bIj Dalajchu', Sogh. cha'Hu' bIj'e' 
wISIQbe'. ngugh nI'oy'moH'a'?" ghIbpa' Hota'ro' yevpu' 'e' qaw vajar. 
chaq rIQqu'mo' SIQlaHbe'.

jatlh Hota'ro', "cha'Hu' mu'oy'moHbe', HoD. muqawmoH neH." cha'logh 
'oy' SIQchu'be'taH 'e' leghmo' HoD tuHba'. jatlh, "ngugh, meHDaq, 
SonwIj QopmoHpu' bIj. vISIQ 'e' vInID 'ach bIj vIcherghlaHbe'taH." 
yav bej Hota'ro'.

tlhIngan DujDaq motlhHa'be' bIjmey ral 'ach motlhHa'bej bIjqoqvetlh 
naS. vajar QeHmoH ghongvetlh. jatlh "yItuHQo', Sogh. 
DacherghlaHbe'chugh pIch Daghajbe'. vIbej 'e' vIcherghlaHbe' jIH. bIyoHqu'."
SKI: The crew receive a warning about an impending ion storm causing 
transporter interference, and beam down to gharben loS where they can 
finally speak freely.

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