[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon(s) in Star Trek

Lieven Litaer lieven.litaer at web.de
Fri Apr 20 09:41:04 PDT 2012

ja' De'vID:
> Not to mention all the ones before that.  There's been pretty much no
> Okrandian Klingon in a Star Trek movie since ST:VI.  I'm still waiting
> for an explanation for what the Duras sisters said in Generations

There's a {ghuycha'} in there somewhere.

 > or what the proper way to write "gorch" is in tlhIngan Hol.

Oh yes, I remember the discussion. Did nobody ever ask him at the qep'a'?

> I'd like to see Klingons in the rebooted Trek, but only under the
> condition that they speak good Okrandian Klingon.

Then give the page a "like" and post the same comment there!

Since they seem to have Marc Okrand at their hand (at least they had in 
2009), I'm positive on that they will use Okrandian Klingon - if they do 
at all. that's why I set up that page to show that some people are still 
interested in having okrandian Klingon in Star Trek.


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