[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon(s) in Star Trek

Lieven Litaer lieven.litaer at web.de
Fri Apr 20 07:40:57 PDT 2012

> On 4/17/2012 5:05 PM, Lieven Litaer wrote:
>> have Klingons in there. Actually I doubt it, that's why I've set up a
>> group in Facebook as a call to the producers to include Klingons in the
>> next Star Trek or the following movie. (and if they do include, at least
>> we have shown our interest ;-)

Am 18.04.2012 00:10, schrieb David Trimboli:
  > Ack! Why would you want them to do to Klingons what they did to the 
> Star Trek movie?

Ehm... what?
In the last Star trek movie, they were cut away. Or what dou mean? 
Showing klingons afraid of a romulan? Okay, that's not what I want!

My wish is - like Qov said - to get a chance to hear new Klingon canon, 
so that the general interest for Klingon might come back, and we might 
have some more nice examples or even new words. IIRC, it's been about 
forteen years or so.

Marc Okrand was involved in the 2009 movie for the romulan language, but 
he's not allowed to say anything about the next movie. That's all he 
could tell me, so at least there is some hope :-)


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