[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh javmaH jav: bIjqoq

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Thu Apr 19 16:43:00 PDT 2012

WARNING: This chapter focuses on a cruel, violent event that you 
probably weren't expecting. While the events in it are relevant to 
the story both past and future, if you don't want to read it or don't 
want to finish it, the summary and/or tomorrow's recap will give you 
what you need to know so as not to lose the thread of the story. If 
you haven't been reading all along and have just decided, "hey, I'll 
see how Qov's story is going!" today is not a good day for that.
vajar and crew were watching a bridge record tape in which 
then-Ensign Hota'ro', on helm, was refusing an order from General qImyal.



SeHlaw leQmey HotchoH Sa'. Qu'vetlhvaD ghaH Soy' law' Hota'ro' Soy' 
puS. jop Hota'ro' 'ej Sa' yeb 'uchchoH. ghobchuq chaH. meHDaq poSchoH 
Hoch nuj 'ach SIbI' bejbe'choH HochHom. SeHlawvo' Sa' raD Hota'ro'. 
Degh SeHqa'DI' Hota'ro', nom leQmey 'uy. ghunba'lI'. jachchoHlaw' Sa' 
'ej nISwI' lel. SeHlawDaq QanmeH 'oHDaq qat'egh Hota'ro'. bachbe' 
Sa'. HoD quSDaq ba'choH 'ej jatlhchoH. ravDaq QottaH latlh DeghwI'. 
vultaH. chaq Heghpu'.

qaStaHvIS tup puS qaS pagh. ghIq meH lu'el cha' loDpu' tIn. negh 
ghaH.[219] Sa' tlhopDaq Qam 'ej luvan.[242] Hota'ro'Daq SIq Sa' 'ej 
jatlh. Hota'ro' chol negh. SeHlawDaq QottaH Hota'ro'. ghaH 'emDaq 
QamchoH wa' loD 'ej ghaH tlhopDaq QamchoH latlh. taj lel mang 
wa'DIch, 'ej Hota'ro'vaD lo'law'. be' DIr pe'be'law'. SutmeyDaj SIjlI'.

taj roQpu'DI' mang, yopwaH qoghDaj teq 'ej Hota'ro' 'uchchoH. qonwI' 
waQtaH SeHlaw, latlh mang je 'ach ghu' yajmeH leghnISchu'be' vajar. 
Hota'ro' luwemlI'. rIn'DI loD wa'DIch, Hota'ro' HIvchoH loD cha'DIch. 
Hota'ro' qab bID leghlaHchu' vajar. bechba'taH. bejtaH 'e' tIvba' 
Sa'. Hagh 'ej loDpu' tungHa'law'.

tagha' 'omchoH Hota'ro' 'ej nargh 'e' nID. lu'uchtaHmo' loDpu' luj. 
Hota'ro' chol Sa'. jatlhtaH 'ej jeqqIj yan. Hota'ro' qunlaw'. latlh 
'oy' SIQvIp 'e' 'ang Hota'ro' qab. nargh 'e' nIDqa'. noDchoH. 
Hota'ro' mup Sa'. poSqu'choH Hota'ro' nuj. ghaytan jachtaH. Qan'egh 
'e' nID, luHIvtaHvIS loD Sa' je. meHDaq bejbe' latlh nuvpu'. 
bejbe'choH je vajar. QIn qIl.

jIH chIm bejtaH vajar. loQ neSlo' Damo' jIH qIj, Hota'ro' qab 
leghlaH. Saghqu' 'ach Sotbe'. mang yoH Qorgh neH vajar, 'ach ghu' 
'arghmoH neHbe'. ghaytan naDev DaqtaH je Hung. QInvam labta' 'Iv? QIn 
laDqa' vajar 'ach choHpu'. DaH loghDaq Duj may'na' cha'choH. 
lubejchoH. Hota'ro' bIjqoq cha'bogh meH ta lubejpu' 'e' luchIDqangbe'law'.
SKI: vajar and ghutar are stunned to watch the footage[260] of two 
guards attacking Hota'ro' on General qImyal's orders.
[219] This pronoun feels utterly wrong, like it should be negh 
chaH--and it took me several readings to catch it, but it's in line 
with {nuqDaq 'oH ngop'e'?} from KGT. It irks me when I have a 
grammatically singular subject for plural beings and I can't use lu- 
for a singular object.
[242] The antecedent is {cha loDpu' tIn} so lu- is correct here.
[260] I love how language preserve things from older technology. 
"Footage" means "portion of video" refer to the length of an obsolete 
physical medium measured in a historical unit.  

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