[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon(s) in Star Trek

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Tue Apr 17 15:42:59 PDT 2012

If they call Marc Okrand it means we get more canon.  If people are 
speaking Klingon on screen, it means we get more speakers.

wejmaH ben qep'a'Daq QoymoHwI'wIj lISnISlaH QupwI' vIpoQ.

At 15:10 '?????' 4/17/2012, you wrote:
>On 4/17/2012 5:05 PM, Lieven Litaer wrote:
>>I do not know what the next star trek movie is about, or if they will
>>have Klingons in there. Actually I doubt it, that's why I've set up a
>>group in Facebook as a call to the producers to include Klingons in the
>>next Star Trek or the following movie. (and if they do include, at least
>>we have shown our interest ;-)
>Ack! Why would you want them to do to Klingons what they did to the 
>last Star Trek movie?
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