[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon(s) in Star Trek

Lieven Litaer lieven.litaer at web.de
Tue Apr 17 14:05:48 PDT 2012

Hi there,

Facebook lo'be' 'op 'ej 'oH lo'Qo' latlhpu', vaj QInvam yIbuSQo' 
nuvpu'vetlh Datlhejchugh.

I do not know what the next star trek movie is about, or if they will 
have Klingons in there. Actually I doubt it, that's why I've set up a 
group in Facebook as a call to the producers to include Klingons in the 
next Star Trek or the following movie. (and if they do include, at least 
we have shown our interest ;-)

So if you're in Facebook, just go visit that page and give it a like. It 
would be great if this could somehow show that there are people out 
there who still like star trek and even do like the Klingons. And it 
would even be incredibly great to have Klingon lines in it, wouldn't it?



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