[Tlhingan-hol] Butterfly Project

Michael Roney, Jr. PKT nahqun at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 23:28:13 PDT 2012

Okay, according to my work schedule, it's still the weekend and I
promised the revision this weekend.

There were same major gaffes that most everyone pointed out;
(Qab/qab typo
-moH/-choH blunder
tlhutlh/tlhuH typo

By far the biggest reply came from ghunchu'wI'.

As ghunchu'wI' is fluent in the language, I have not attempted to
improve upon his suggestions.

Here's the current version of the script.
I'll try to separate the in-line commentary with >'s and *'s.

VISUALIZATION By Lauren Speeth, June 10, 2010
Klingon translation by Michael Roney, Jr. (naHQun), April 8, 2012
With major revisions and edits by Alan Anderson  (ghunchu'wI'), April 11, 2012

***I can restructure/rephrase the credits and list ghunchu'wI' first;
just need direction...***

Breathing in 1 – 2 – 3

purlI'; wa', cha', wej

Breathing out 3 – 2 – 1

rechlI'; wej, cha', wa'

This is a good use of the -lI' aspect suffix. I probably would have
chosen to say yIpurlI' and yIrechlI' instead of clipping the verb
prefix, but I think it's okay as is. It's something of a mantra or
refrain, rather than a command or observation.

Leave clipped? Use suffixes?**

With each breath feeling yourself getting a little more relaxed and
letting your arms feel a little bit heavy.

bItlhuHtaHvIS yIleSchoHtaH.
loQ 'ughchoHtaH DeSDu'lIj 'e' yIchaw'.

Slowly perhaps feeling your muscles easing and softening, even your
face is becoming smooth and relaxed.

QIt leSchoH SomrawDu'lIj 'ej tunchoH.
vabDot leSchoH qablIj 'ej HabchoH. / leSchoH je qablIj 'ej HabchoH.

**We have two options for that last line separated with a /
Personally, I'm leaning towards the second one as we only have one
example of {vabDot} and I'd hate to use it wrong.
But if the Community feels comfortable with it's use; we can go with it

And feeling your belly fill with air as you relax with each full breath.

chorlIj teb muD 'e' yIbuS, bIleStaHvIS.

Breathing in 1 – 2 – 3

purlI'; wa', cha', wej	

Breathing out 3 – 2 – 1

rechlI'; wej, cha', wa'

Getting a peaceful and happier feeling.

bIjotchoH 'ej bIQuchchoH.

Allowing your arms to feel soft, heavy and warm, and let both your
legs feel heavy and warm as you feel the weight of your limbs.

tunchoH DeSDu'lIj 'e' yIchaw'. 'ughchoH. ghunchoH.
'ughchoH 'uSDu'lIj 'e' yIchaw'. ghunchoH.
'ugh ghIvlIj 'e' yIbuS.

You could almost be a tree, with roots in the ground and branches way
up into the stars, for your flying friend to rest on.

tlhoS Sor DamojlaH.
wutlhDaq 'oQqar Da qamDu'lIj.
Hovmey joj nItlhDu'lIjDaq leSlaH joqbogh juplIj.

Breathing in 1 – 2 – 3

purlI'; wa', cha', wej	

Breathing out 3 – 2 – 1

rechlI'; wej, cha', wa'

Allowing all the worries to just drift away, like a cloud... being
gentle with yourself... and finding full, deep relaxation in your
breathing and in your calm, regular heartbeat.

ngab SengmeylIj 'e' yIchaw'; 'eng tIrurmoH.
yIghongHa''egh / yIghong'eghQo'.
nIleSmoHchu'jaj tlhuHbogh taghlIj tam, moqbogh tIqlIj jot je.

Breathing in 1 – 2 – 3

purlI'; wa', cha', wej	

Breathing out 3 – 2 – 1

rechlI'; wej, cha', wa'

Each time you meditate, you find it easier to relax and get to this
positive attitude, and you can bring that attitude back with you, out
into the world.

bIbuSHa'DI', bIleSmeH wanI' veb ngeD law' nubwI' ngeD puS.
qa'lIj DarachmoHlaH.
qo'Daq bItatlh'eghDI' qa'vam DaqemlaH.

Breathing in 1 – 2 – 3

purlI'; wa', cha', wej	

Breathing out 3 – 2 – 1

rechlI'; wej, cha', wa'

Okay now, we’re almost done, but first we have to say goodbye to our
winged friend.

tlhoS rIn qeq, 'ach wIrInmoHchu'pa' joqbogh jupmaj wIvannIS.

 And remember, that friend is as close as your imagination, and that
means always with you, ready to help you feel better.

'ej jupvetlh Sum law' yablIj Sum rap, 'e' yIqaw.
reH DutlhejtaH.
reH qa'lIj je'rup.

~'anan naHQun

~Michael Roney, Jr.
Professional Klingon Translator
webOS Developer


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