[Tlhingan-hol] New to the language - word lists and use of words out of normal language

Lieven Litaer lieven.litaer at web.de
Wed Nov 30 12:28:27 PST 2011

Am 30.11.2011 21:13, schrieb Andrey Kuznetsov:
> Why isn't there an open source Klingon Dictionary project?
> Is it because there's no such existing project or because people like to
> maintain their own separate versions and don't want to share/etc?

I think it has mostly been a big reason that the users had a big respect 
or even some "fear" of the publishers of the dictionary, be it Simon & 
Schuster, Pocket books, Paramount, CBS - whatever. We never wanted to 
compete or get in trouble with any of those people who have all the 
rights (whatever those might be) and have many lawyers.

One other point is indeed that there is no such a project. I believe 
many people have tried to do such thing, and there are even many online 
dictionaries that obviously have no problems with any lawyers. 
(obviously, somebody can have a copyright on a book, but not on a language)

Just google for klingon dictionary, you'll find many, although they are 
mostly just word lists.

A few years ago, I started the Klingon wiki(pedi)a

and somebody started a parallel wikia to it, called mu'ghom:

perhaps that's a way to start.

Unfortunately, since the Klingon wikipedia does not exist, there 
certainly is no klingon wictionary. The "wikia"-pages might be a good 
alternative, although I'd prefer a more official and private base, like 
the KLI-server.


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