[Tlhingan-hol] paq'batlh: COMPARING ADVERBS

lojmIt tI'wI'nuv lojmitti7wi7nuv at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 11:22:07 PST 2011

It would be nice to have an actual description of the grammatical rules here instead of what feels like a presumptive leap based upon a single canon example in a work that others describe as being full of typos and other errors. In your example below, I'd have expected {QIt tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh. QIt tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhqu'.} I don't understand why the prefix would not indicate a direct object.

Anyway, this opens the question of why the {-qu'} applied to the verb apparently adds its meaning to the adverb, instead.

It could be the case that in the actual example that a khrun travels quickly, but a story travels a lot quickly. I can see that sort of meaning that the story travels more. But to say that you speak Klingon slowly, but I speak Klingon a lot slowly... that doesn't really carry that same kind of meaning as saying that I speak Klingon more slowly than you do. It actually sounds like I'm speaking more Klingon than you are in the same slow time frame, suggesting that you speak more slowly than I do.

If this is simply a grammatical convention, like {law'/puS} comparatives, fine. Okrand should describe the grammatical rule. I'm not willing to invest as deeply as you in presuming a new grammatical construction without any description of the construction from the source of all canon.

lojmIt tI'wI'nuv

On Nov 26, 2011, at 5:27 PM, Agnieszka Solska wrote:

> There is a line in the book possibly indicating how to compare adverbs:
>    Stories travel faster than a khrun 
>    nom leng Hun nom lengqu' lut
>    (pp 130-131)
> Unless the line in English is merely a loose, poetic interpretation 
> of the Klingon text, we should at last be able to express such ideas as:
>    My ship is faster than yours.
>    nom leng DujlIj, nom lengqu' DujwIj.
>    I speak Klingon more slowly than you.
>    QIt tlhIngan Hol bIjatlh, QIt tlhIngan Hol jIjatlhqu'.
>    Your captain acts more honorably than you.
>    batlh bIvang, batlh vangqu' HoDlI'.
>    Terrans smile more often than Romulans.
>    pIj mon romuluSnganpu', pIj monqu' tera'nganpu'.
> I added the commas, though perhaps periods would work better here.
> There in no punctuation in the Klingon text of <<paq'batlh>>.
> 'ISqu'
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