[Tlhingan-hol] Some useful mnemonics

Lieven Litaer lieven.litaer at web.de
Tue Nov 15 04:55:03 PST 2011

ja' Philip:
> {poS vaj nIH} "It's open, so he steals it" - to help you remember that
> {poS} is "left" and {nIH} is "right".

I remembered them seperately:
"push the door, and it's {poS}"
"The thief steals {nIH} with his right {nIH} hand."

> {moHaq} has a protrusion on the upper side (the "H"), so it means "prefix".
> {mojaq} has a protrusion on the lower side (the "j"), so it means "suffix".

A protrusion? sounds too complicated to me :-)
I remember the alphabet: the H in moHaq comes first, then the j from mojaq.

> {-Qo'} is a "type 8.5" suffix, since it always comes last except when
> followed by a type 9 suffix.

Marc Okrand actually liked this sentence,
"...except when followed by..."


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