[Tlhingan-hol] Eurotalk - New Specialism - Time

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Mon Nov 7 07:44:36 PST 2011

Well, it never actually makes the claim that pagh rep is at midnight; it could very well be used to mark the sunrise.
However, Klingons living on Earth would probably refer to the standard time in whatever time zone they were living in, so as to avoid confusion (qaS javvatlh rep 'e' cha' tlhaq qaSba' pagh rep.).
From: Noah Bogart [nbtheduke at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2011 16:36
To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
Subject: Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Eurotalk - New Specialism - Time

What happened to Klingon time being counted from dawn-to-dawn? Is this just the Klingon time-keeping words being transposed 6 hours earlier than they normally run, or is it now a retcon, or do they actually have a totally different system of counting time and what we have here is a translation of human time?

On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Philip Newton <philip.newton at gmail.com<mailto:philip.newton at gmail.com>> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 00:34, Adm qe'San <qeSan at btinternet.com<mailto:qeSan at btinternet.com>> wrote:
> Five past five (5:05)a.m. -     vaghvatlh vagh rep
> 5:05 p.m. (17:05) -     wa'maH Sochvatlh vagh rep

On the original CD, the Latin script text had a different wording:
{vagh pagh vagh rep}. Presumably, this is an earlier (and not canon)
version. The sound file and the pIqaD agree with the newer-style

Other spelling differences include:

* consistent space before {vatlh}, e.g. *{wa' vatlh rep} "1:00"
* consistent lack of {vatlh} if minutes are mentioned, e.g. *{wa'
wa'maH vagh rep} "1:15". (With {pagh} inserted if the minutes are less
than ten.)

> I separated the vatlh from the wa'maH to show that it is a
> specialized usage of vatlh (wa'maHvatlh can't be a normal Klingon number). I
> left it attached to Hutvatlh and so on because they happen to be regular
> Klingon numbers anyway.

Ah, that explains that! I had been wondering about {wa'maH vatlh} and
{cha'maH vatlh}.

Philip Newton <philip.newton at gmail.com<mailto:philip.newton at gmail.com>>

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