[Tlhingan-hol] Eurotalk - New Words - First Words

Rohan Fenwick - QeS 'utlh qeslagh at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 4 19:52:31 PDT 2011

ghItlhpu' Qov, jatlh:
> car - puH Duj
 > Long overdue as a daily life item.

I don't know about you, but the fact that we know there's not one
special word means I'm likely going to keep calling it yav Duj. :)
I've seen ghor Duj used before too.

> ship - bIQ Duj
 > Obvious and appreciated.

Indeed! I translated "harbour" in the Rime with bIQ Duj vergh, so
it's nice to know my instincts were on-target.
A small part of me was disappointed, since it's said that Klingons
have a history of naval warfare in TKW, and a little part of me was
hoping they'd have a distinct word for a sea-going ship. But I guess
the word Duj might have been the original word for "ship", and only
later became used for spaceships (as happened in English).

QeS 'utlh

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