[Tlhingan-hol] Eurotalk - New Words - Shopping

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Wed Nov 2 13:27:06 PDT 2011

tlhIngan Hol, Qov Hol je jatlhlaH SuStel. mu'meywIj QIjchu'ta' 'ej 
'aplo' qoSta' je mughDI' jIQochbe'.

At 13:20 02/11/2011, you wrote:
>On 11/2/2011 4:16 PM, Steven Boozer wrote:
>>>>camera    - mIllogh qonwI'
>>>>film      - mIllogh qonwI' qoSta'
>>>>cassette  - wab qoSta' 'aplo'
>>>>batteries - 'ul 'aplo'mey
>>>I had no guess and nothing but open mouthed astonishment at the least
>>>useful word in the list engendering two new Klingon words.
>>qoSta'?  'aplo'??
>I think Qov means that "cassette" is the least useful *English* word 
>in the list. The two new Klingon words seem to be quite useful. 
>Here's my take on them:
>qoSta' - strip, tape (not necessarily sticky) (n)
>'aplo' - container (n)

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